Multifuse® PPTC Resettable Fuses : Reset Your Current ThinkingTM

Polymer Positive Temperature Coefficient (PPTC) Fuses have provided designers in numerous industries a new tool in their battle to improve product quality and performance while at the same time reducing total installed cost. As PPTC fuses are resettable, warranty costs and service calls are largely avoided. Since they do not need to be serviced, they can be utilized as embedded circuit protection devices. Based on PPTC technology, Multifuse® Resettable Fuses are packaged in Radial Leaded, Surface Mount, Axial Leaded "Battery Strap" and Uncoated Disk form and have a wide range of power ratings. With this comprehensive selection of packages and power ratings, there is sure to be a Multifuse® Resettable Fuse that meets your application requirements.